
This is a version of the SDK for CloudBlue Connect platform, written in Haxe. While it allows to write connectors in Haxe itself, the generated code can be used to write connectors in C#, Java, JavaScript, PHP and Python.


Represents a log formatter.The Logger uses an instance of a class that implements this interface (PlainLoggerFormatter by default) to write log messages.


Represents the functionality of writing logs to some output. The Logger uses an instance of a class that implements this interface (FileLoggerWriter by default) to write log messages.


This class is used to log events to a file and the output console.


Represents the configuration of the logger. An instance can be passed to Env.initLogger to setup the logger behaviour.


This class representes a handler for the Logger. An handler is composed of a formatter (capable of formatting blocks, tables and lists to a specific syntax, like Markdown) and a writer (capable of writing the formatted message to an output, like a file).