connect version 22.2.0

This is a version of the SDK for CloudBlue Connect platform, written in Haxe. While it allows to write connectors in Haxe itself, the generated code can be used to write connectors in C#, Java, JavaScript, PHP and Python.


This class contains the configuration required for communication with the Connect platform.


In order to be able to perform their tasks, many classes in the SDK rely on the global availability of several objects. For example, the URL and credentials used to communicate with the platform are defined in an instance of the connect.Config class, while the ability to perform Http requests is performed by an instance of a class that implements the connect.api.IApiClient interface.


A Flow represents a set of steps within a Processor which are executed for all requests that return true for a given function. If null is passed, all requests will be processed.


The Processor helps automating the task of processing a list of requests, and updates the log automatically with all operations performed.