The Processor helps automating the task of processing a list of requests, and updates the log automatically with all operations performed.

A Processor splits the processing of requests into different flows. Each Flow will process the requests that return true for a given filter function that is specified when creating the flow. For example, you can create one flow for requests of type "purchase", another for the ones of type "cancel", etc.

Then, each flow consist of a series of steps, where each step is a function that receives the flow itself as argument (so you can subclass Flow and add steps as instance methods).

Once all flows have been defined, you must call the Processor.processAssetRequests, Processor.processUsageFiles, or Processor.processTierConfigRequests method to process requests, depending on the type you want to process.

If an exception is thrown on any step, the rest of the steps will be skipped, and the next time the Processor runs, the request will be processed again.

You can check the examples folder of the SDK to check how to use the Processor in the supported target languages.





Defines a flow of this Processor. Steps in the are executed sequentially by the Processor when its run method is invoked for all the requests that return true in the filter function passed in the creation of the flow.



The flow to add to the processor.


this Processor, so calls to this method can be chained.


Processes all AssetRequest objects that match the given filters, executing in sequence all the flows defined for them.



Filters to be used for listing requests. It can contain any of the filters specified for the AssetRequest.list method.


Processes all Listing objects that match the given filters, executing in sequence all the flows defined for them.



Filters to be used for listing requests. It can contain any of the filters specified for the Listing.list method.


Processes all TierConfigRequest objects that match the given filters, executing in sequence all the flows defined for them.



Filters to be used for listing requests. It can contain any of the filters specified for the TierConfigRequest.list method.


Processes all UsageFile objects that match the given filters, executing in sequence all the flows defined for them.



Filters to be used for listing requests. It can contain any of the filters specified for the UsageFile.list method.